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eat facts not fiction... coming soon

Why not clarify all those 'facts' about dieting and how to get in shape fast by consulting your friendly dietitian :-)

Just like clothes, one size does not fit all. The best 'lifestyle plan' (as I do not like the term 'Diet') is the one you are going to stick to the best.

Please use this platform to share what has worked for you and what hasn't. And please do not do diet pills, it can really stuff up your body and is not sustainable. Knowledge is power but common sense is the best tool anyone could use for any situation and we all do have it.

Some of us have strayed so far from who we truly are that we cannot recognise reality from non-reality. This can be due to a lack of consciousness and over stimulation from environmental factors such as T.V, Music videos, Soapies and social media.


But believe you me, we do have a compass and intuition inside all of us. It depends who you want to be, the choice is always yours. We create our own realities and how we perceive the world and ourselves. Its not necessarily the truth, but our reality.

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